Friday, January 8, 2010

Some things don't change....

A patron will come in and ask for a computer. They pull out their library card and go to a computer, type in their information to log on and....

*Error. You cannot log onto this computer at this time.*

We see a irate patron come stomping towards us. One of us behind the desk quickly appears busy, the other gets the fortune of assisting this potentially dangerous situation.
Surprisingly, there are usually two-three reasons for the error.

1. Account is blocked. Usually this means that the patron owes over $10 in fees. Most take this well, while others aren't too happy.

2. Privilege expired. Believe it or not, library cards in San Bernardino County have a three-year life span. If your card isn't renewed after the expiration date, you run the risk of having your account dropped.

3. The computer hates them. I'm serious. Most of the time, we will not find a reason for the person's inability to log in. This is when we get to smile and say, "I'm sorry, please go see the folks at the other desk. I can't help you."

There are other reasons for log in lockout. However, these are the top three that I can recall off the top of my head.

Does anyone else experience "problem persons" at their workplace?